Reiki Level One
Rev. Linda Jean Horton Created this Manual
The Traditional History of Reiki Dr. Mikao Usui rediscovered Reiki in the mid to late 1800’s. He was
the director of a Religious school in Japan. Ask by a student if he believed the Bible to be literally true, did he believe
that Jesus really healed the sick. Dr. Usui said, “ He believed that the Bible as literally true and yes Jesus did perform
miracles. Dr Usui traveled to the United States and entered the Chicago School of Divinity, where he earned his Doctorate
in Theology. However, he did not find the answer to his question, How may you heal the body? He returned to Japan and entered
a Zen monastery. There he studied ancient Buddhist, Sanskrit, and Tibetan texts for many years. Dr. Usui felt like he had
failed and expressed his feeling to one of the monks The Zen never say this is the end “everything is a beginning.”
Do not give up your quest, because everything that was known can be known again. Finally in the original Sanskrit he found
the formula for healing the body in the ancient texts, but he did not have the ability or understanding to use it. So he
decided to Fast and Meditate. He traveled to the holy mountain of Kuramayama. He climbed the mountain chose the spot for
his meditation then gathered 21 stones and piled them before him. Each day he threw one stone down the mountain. The final
morning just before dawn. Dr. Usui saw a beam of white light coming toward him. His first reaction was to run. However he
decided to stay still. The light entered his third eye and he lost consciousness. He reported that he saw millions of rainbow
bubbles and little known Sanskrit symbols glowing in gold. . As he saw each of the symbols he was given the names and uses
for each as well as information on how to activate the healing energy. DR. Usui cam down the mountain and experienced what
is know as the miracles.1. Coming down from the mountain he stubbed his toe on a rock and fell to the ground. His toe was
bleeding he instinctively grabbed his toe after a few minutes, the bleeding stopped and the pain disappeared. 2. Dr. Usui
had fasted for 21 days and then ate a very large breakfast without any adverse effects.3. The innkeeper’s granddaughter
had a bad toothache for several days. Dr. Usui laid his hands on her face and she immediately felt better. Dr. Usui began
to practice Reiki in the slums of Kyoto, where he healed the beggars at no cost asking only that they start a new life. He
worked for seven years in an asylum treating many illnesses however he found the same people returning who although healed
of their physical ailments still chose to live by begging. Dr Usui was deeply shaken. He realized that he had forgotten something
very important in his healing work, to teach gratitude. Dr Usui examined the reasons why they returned. He found that it was
because Reiki was given to them for free. Reiki given away for free makes beggars of people he thought. “ Never again
will Reiki be given away for free. Following this he thought out the Reiki principles:
Ethical Principle of Reiki
Just for today do not worry
Just for today do not anger
Honor your parents, teachers, and elders
Earn your living honestly
Show gratitude to everything
Before his death, Dr Usui passed the teaching of Reiki to his closest associate Dr. Chijiro Hayashi. Dr. Hayashi opened
a clinic in Tokyo where he practiced Reiki. Here Ms. Takata came for healing Hawayo Takata was Hawaiian of Japanese decent.
She was in Japan facing surgery for gallbladder disease appendicitis and a tumor. On the operating table she heard a voice
telling her "The surgery is not necessary". She got up off the table and asked the surgeon if there was another way for her
to heal. He directed her to Dr. Hayashi's clinic. She was completely healed in four months. She decided she would like to
be trained in Reiki so she stayed in Japan and became a student of DR. Hayashi. Dr Hayashi knew a great war was coming and
decided to pass the complete teaching to two women, His wife and Hawayo Takata. Mrs. Takata is the first one to charge the
$10,000 fee. It is true there needs to be an energy exchange it does not need to be so expensive that most people can not
afford it. The energy exchange does not have to be money. I find you get out of Reiki what you put into it.
Reiki is universal healing energy:
Rei = Spirit
Ki = Life force, Chi, breath
Reiki = Spirit breath
When you are attuned to Reiki you are opened to the universal life energy. Reiki attunements are much like tuning in you
TV station. The TV waves are there you just need to tune them in. The same is true with Reiki. Reiki does not only treat where
your hands are placed but will travel to where it is needed in the body. Intuition is important when using Reiki. Move your
hands to where you are guided even if that is not where the pain is.
Reiki neutralizes anesthesia quickly do not use before surgery or dental work.
Do not use on broken bone until a Doctor has set them.
Do not use on a severed limb until it has been re-attached. The energy can seal off veins and nerves making it hard to re-attach
the limb. In these cases if is ok to treat other parts of the body such as the adrenals for shock.
If you are Diabetic Reiki can reduce the amount of insulin you need have your Doctor monitor you dosage.
Reiki can be used for food, plants, and garden seeds.
Your pets, Reiki will also heal animals.
Gifts that you give. Stuffed animals, baby blankets, ect.
Reiki can be used on money to increase flow, also on. crystals and other stones.
You can use Reiki on your car to make it run better or your kid’s car to make it safer.
Reiki will quickly dissipate the effects of alcohol. Reiki the adrenals when people are in shock. Bee stings, bug bites,
burns, cuts, sprains and bruises.
Use Reiki on someone who is dying to help aid in a more conscious departure. Reiki heals the planet and you every time you
use it.
You can clear the room of negative energy.
Anywhere from a tingle, to warm, hot or cool energy. Some people don’t feel anything but they are still
receiving healing. The more you use Reiki the stronger it gets. Use it everyday.
Reiki your Mind, Body and Healing Others
Use you intuition even if it seems strange. The energy knows what to do so don’t worry if you are
doing it right because you are. You cannot make a mistake; the energy will go to where it is needed. One of the most important
things is intent to send healing and intent to receive. When someone comes to you for healing they want you, you are what
you have always been Reiki. Know that you have been called to Reiki for a reason you have a role to help restore the planet.
Do not be attached to the results of the healing sessions. Do not try to force the energy let the Reiki flow where
it will and do the healing. You are not doing the healing you are just a channel for the energy to flow through.
During you Attunement:
You may or may not feel something. Here is some of the things people experience. Tingle all over, warmth,
coolness, light-headedness floating, astral projection, visions, and many other things. The attunement process is never the
same twice.
Cleansing Process:
Some people go through a cleansing process and some don’t if can last from 1 day to 21 days. This process
can be uncomfortable for many people. The effects you may feel are anything from irritability, crying, depression, to flu
like symptoms, sore throat ECT. If you have these symptoms you need to ask you Master for healing (some Masters don’t
offer this or they charge extra for it, to me it is just part of the attunement process and should be offered as such). There
is nothing to worry about if you have side affects you are just detoxing. You body is getting used to the new energy.
After the Attunement: For both Master and the new Master.
You should drink lots of water.
Meditate 10-15 minutes each day
Go to bed early.
Exercise and get fresh air.
Stay away from crowds and loud noises.
Avoid negative thoughts and people. Avoid media news.
Give your self a Reiki treatment everyday.
I use my hand as a knife to disconnect I start at the top of my head then slice down to my toes. You can
also just pull your mind back.
You will soon be a Reiki practitioner. It is important that you are aware of these legal aspects when work
with people. You cannot legally heal. Cure, diagnose, or prescribe. Only a medical doctor can do these things (Ministers CAN
Heal) you may get in trouble for practicing medicine without a license if you use the words heal-cure-diagnose-prescribe You
can use these words to avoid legal risk: practitioner-therapist-treatment-remission. There is another reason we do not use
these words we in fact do not heal. WE allow the universal energy (Reiki) to flow through us and the universal energy is what
does the healing not us. The energy knows what to do it comes form INTENT to heal and the people come from intent to be
healed. Do not be attached to results. You cannot make a mistake in the application of the energy. On a physical level when
you touch you heal. When someone comes to you the want you.
When you are attuned to Reiki energy your channels are opened to universal life energy. Reiki attunements
are much like tuning a radio to a desired station. All of us have universal life force energy essential for health and life.
All of us have some healing energy coming from us. The attunement helps increase the flow of life force through your body
for the benefit of yourself and others. I like to say: Level one is rabbit ears Level 2 are an antenna Master Level is cable.
North and South on the Body:
The body has a North and South. The head is North and the feet are South. Your right hand is North and your
left hand is South. Your right hand should always be North of the left hand. This will keep you and your client for nasty
side affects.
Giving a Reiki Treatment:
- 1. Get the room ready by drawing the Cho-Ku-Rei in the middle of the room. Visualize the room filling with
white light, ask your guides to support you during the healing session.
- 2. Wash your hands.
- 3. Bring client into the room. Find out why he/she has come for treatment
- 4. Show the client where to sit or lie down (a massage table is great for this).
- 5. Have the client relax soft music is nice for this and also incense or candles.
- 6. Perform the standard treatment.
- 7. Allow client to remain still for a few minutes. If he is dizzy you can put your right hand on his forehead (3rd eye charka)
and your left hand on his solar plexus.
- 8. Be sure to disconnect from the client.
- 9. Make sure your client is fully present before they leave. Do not let weak or dizzy clients leave. Walking around
will also help to ground them. If you have time you can also let them sleep for a while.
Hand Positions For Self:
Hold each position 1 to 5 minuets or until it releases.
Face: Place your hands cupped gently over your eyes. This treats eyes, pituitary gland, brain and sinuses.
Crown: Place your fingers at the crown charka. You fingers need not touch at the top of the head but can. This treats:
Pineal gland, the crown charka and the brain.
Back Brain: Place your hand on the back of your head on the occipital bones. This treats: Old memories and habitual
Throat: Place you hand on your neck or very close. This Treats: Throat area. Thyroid gland. Swollen glands.
Variation of Throat:
Heart: Place your hands over your heart area with your fingertips facing inward, Just over the breast area. Treats: Heart,
Lungs, and Thymus Gland (key to our immune system). Is helpful during emotional upset or sadness. Use after crying to replenish
your energy.
Diaphragm (solar plexus): Place your hand so that your fingertips are just inside the upper rib cage. Treats:
stomach, and other mid-torso organs.
Stomach: Place hands over middle of stomach with finger touching at the navel. Treats: Upper intestines, liver, gall
bladder, and spleen. It is good for emotional upset. And when you are tired.
Pelvis: This treat colon and reproductive organs. Is good for PMS and Menstrual difficulties.
This is from Essential Reiki by Diane Stein: If you do not have this book yet, I would recommend you buy it, because it
is great. :
This is for the Back positions
Treats: neck and throat area.
Treats: Heart and lungs, helps release stress in your back.
Kidneys: Treats kidneys and adrenals. Helps when you are tired and feeling stress.
Low Back: Treats low back pain.
These positions are a great place to start but go where you are guided. Let the Reiki show you where it wants to go.
Compiled by Rev. Linda Jean Horton
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any
manner whatsoever, including internet usage, without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical articles and reviews.