Reiki Lesson Two.
1. What are the 3 Reiki symbols in level two.?
2. What is the power symbol?
3. what symbols can be used to can be used to treat addictions, problems with weight
loss and smoking?
4. What is the distant healing symbol?
5. How far can you send Reiki?
6. In group healing what symbol do you draw first?
7. When Scanning where should you start?(what part of the body)
8. Does paying $10,000 for Reiki make it better?
9. Is your Right hand north or south on the body?
10. What are you going to do after you are attuned to Reiki? ( How will you use your gift?)
11. How was this Lesson?
12. If buying certificate
Please type your name exactly as you want it on your certificate (leave blank
if you haven't paid for your certificate)
13. What day and time would you like your attunement? (please state
time zone).