My name is Rev. Linda Horton I have 2 adult children and 2 dogs. I first became aware of Reiki when a friend brought a friend with her to see me at my office. I had never felt energy like Reiki before. I knew that day that someday I wanted to become Reiki in 1997 I was finally able to afford level one. Then in 2001 I was reattuned to level one and attuned to level two, I was told that it would cost $2000.00 for my Master attunement for me that is the cost of a car. I just didn't see any way I could afford that but I was still drawn to becoming a Reiki Master. Then one day on the internet I found out about distant attunements. I had been told you could not send attunements that they had to be done in person so I wasn't sure it would work but, I thought it wouldn't hurt to try it. My Master Attunement was one of the best attunements I had ever received and the only attunement I had ever received from a distance. It was true it didn't matter if the attunement was in person or from a distance. I have given over 400 distant attunements. I feel that Reiki should be available to all that are drawn to it. Cost should not be an issue. Reiki is not a religion but is it used as a form of healing in some churches, religion is not required for Reiki to work it comes from the universal energy that all things are made up of. There are several kinds of Reiki. Home About me