Spirit Reiki

Spirit Reiki is a system of healing and spirit growth. Over the past 3 months my spirit guides have been giving me symbols and telling me to share this form of healing with others. Rev. Linda Jean Horton April 19, 2003.

Spirit Reiki uses two symbols from Usui Reiki. The other symbols were given to me by my spirit guides.




Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen is the Distant Healing symbol. Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen means “No past, no present, no future”. Freedom from delusion, limitation and Karma. It can be used in every healing session for past and future aspects of the situation being healed. Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen is used to send Reiki to others at a distance. You can send healing and Attunements across the room or across the world. With Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen you can send to any place in the world or any time zone. It is a good idea to use a picture when sending to a distance to help you center in on the person that you are sending to.

Using Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen:

1. Establish a connection using Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen and the persons Picture (best) or Name and description.

2. Use a stuffed animal as a stand for the person you are sending healing to. Draw Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen in the air above the stuffed animal state your intent, wait for the energy flow to connect and then do a standard healing Intent is very important for the sender and receiver


Sending In Time:

Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen helps you understand that time is just an illusion. You can time your healings or attunements by stating the time you intend the healing/attunement to be received. When sending in time, make sure to specify exactly when the person should receive the energy. I use this when I give most attunements and it works great be sure you are very specific.


I intend to send healing to Joan Doe on January 23, 2002 at 3:00 p.m. central time (or-“ her time”-works well). Be careful with using this method or you could send to the incorrect day or time or even year.

Spirit Awaking


Spirit Awaking awakens your spirit from within, helps to reach you spirit’s highest goals for the betterment of your higher self.



Christ self. Increases the bond between the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Is for protection. Use for people with pain in their soul and the physical body. (This symbol can be used by all people no matter what their personal beliefs are)

Eye of Anu


To increase the flow of all good things in your life. Should be used to increase prosperity in all things.

Anu was a Celtic goddess and greatest of all Irish goddesses, deity of cattle, health, fertility, prosperity, abundance and comfort.

Crystal Blossom



To crystallize things will help clear up confusion, Things will take on a definite and clear shape. 





Cho-Ku-Rei will increase the power of Reiki. It is used at the beginning of every session. Cho-Ku-Rei has several translations some are “Direct Spirit” or “Let the power be here.” Cho-Ku-Rei is sometimes called “ the light switch”. It can be used anytime while giving a healing. In the beginning of the healing session to increase the power flow. At the end of the healing session to seal the treatment. Cho-Ku-Rei can be used to clear a room of negative energy and to seal it in light making it a sacred place. Cho-Ku-Rei can also be used for protection use it to protect yourself, your car your children, your home anything that you feel needs to be protected. Cho-Ku-Rei provides protection on all levels including physical harm, verbal, and emotional confrontations, and also from psychic attack.



Establish a connection using Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen and the persons Picture (best) or Name and description.

Use a stuffed animal as a stand for the person you are sending healing to. Draw Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen in the air above the stuffed animal state your intent, wait for the energy flow to connect and then do a standard healing Intent is very important for the sender and receiver.

Have the person being attuned sit in a chair with feet flat on the floor you will be moving from back to front of the person.

For Distant Attunements Draw the Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen symbol first

1. Stand behind the person to be attuned and draw all four symbols

Then from the crown charka to the root charka draw Cho-Ku-Rei. This will help clear the room of negative energy.

2.        Have person being attuned place their hands in prayer position over their heart. Place your hands on their head and send Reiki to them to establish a connection. State you intent at this time (I intend to attune –name-to Spirit Reiki at this time. For Distant attunements state (I intend to send level 1 Reiki To: Name on month, day, year at time.)

3. Draw the Crystal Blossom, Dai-Ko-Mio, Spirit Awaking , Soul, Eye of Anu and Cho-Ku-Rei symbols in Gold (see it in your mind) above the crown charka. Tap the person’s head three times (I see the symbol going deeper in to the charka with each tap) or saying the name with each tap.

4.        Have the person place their hands in prayer position over their head. In gold draw the Crystal Blossom, Dai-Ko-Mio, Spirit, Soul, Eye of Anu and Cho-Ku-Rei symbols and tap the hands three time with each tap see the symbol going deeper in to their hands. Do the same with Cho-Ku-Rei, Sei-Hei-Ki, Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen,

5. Move to front of person. Move their hand in prayer position down to the heart. Draw Crystal Blossom, Dai-Ko-Mio, Spirit Awaking , Soul, Eye of Anu and Cho-Ku-Rei symbols in gold over the third eye charka (forehead). Tap three times seeing the symbol going deeper each time.

6.        Move the person’s hands in prayer position to the third eye charka, Draw Crystal Blossom Dai-Ko-Mio, Spirit Awaking , Soul, Eye of Anu and Cho-Ku-Rei symbols . Tap three times seeing the symbol going deeper each time.

7. Bring the person’s hands down to heart level and open them like a book. Draw Crystal Blossom, Dai-Ko-Mio, Spirit Awaking , Soul, Eye of Anu and Cho-Ku-Rei symbols in gold over the palm charkas Tap three times seeing the symbol going deeper each time.( Do other palm or do both palms at once)

8.        Place your hand over the hands of the person getting attuned, and send Reiki into their hands for a minute. Then walk behind person.


10.      Place you hands on the top of their head and visualize a door with the Cho-Ku-Rei symbol. The door is open visualize it shutting as it shuts say this attunement is sealed. (I see all kinds of doors as I do this depends upon the person getting attuned this may or may not happen to you.

11.       Walk to the front of the person getting attuned. Visualize a white mist surrounding you and the other person. Inhale the mist and then blow it at the person getting attuned from heart to root. Then to the top of the head back to heart. When this is done State” This attunement is complete.

Sending in time:

Draw the Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen symbol then say something like this:

I intend to attune “Jane Doe” to Reiki “Level 1” on January 10th, 2002 at 10:00p.m. Her time. Then send your attunement like normal. I use this on most of my distant attunements this way everybody gets their attunements when they are supposed to. You can also send healing in time the same way.

After the Attunement:

For both master and the new master.

You should drink lots of water.

Meditate 10-15 minutes each day

Go to bed early.

Exercise and get fresh air.

Stay away from crowds and loud noises.

Avoid negative thoughts and negative people.

Avoid media news.

(You should have this information from your Usui attunement.)


Reiki neutralizes anesthesia quickly do not use before surgery or dental work.

Do not use on broken bone until a Doctor has set them.

Do not use on a severed limb until it has been re-attached. The energy can seal off veins and nerves making it hard to re-attach the limb. In these cases if is ok to treat other parts of the body such as the adrenal glands for shock.

If you are Diabetic Reiki can reduce the amount of insulin you need have your Doctor monitor you dosage.


Reiki your food, plants, and garden seeds.

Your pets, Reiki will also heal animals.

Gifts that you give. Stuffed animals, baby blankets, etc.

Reiki your money for increased flow.

Crystal and other stones.

Your car to make it run better or your kid’s car to make it safer.

Reiki will quickly dissipate the effects of alcohol.

Reiki the adrenal glands when people are in shock.

Been stings, bug bites, burns cuts, sprains and bruises.

Reiki someone who is dying to aid in a more conscious departure.

Reiki heals the planet and you every time you use it.

You can clear the room of negative energy.


 I use my hand as a knife to disconnect I start at the top of my head then slice down to my toes. You can also just pull your mind back.

North and South on the Body:

The body has a North and South. The head is North and the feet are South. Your right hand is North and your left hand is South. Your right hand should always be North of the left hand. This will keep you and your client for nasty side affects.

Giving a Reiki Treatment:

1. Get the room ready by drawing the Cho-Ku-Rei in the middle of the room. Visualize the room filling with white light, ask your guides to support you during the healing session.

2.        Wash your hands.

3. Bring client into the room. Find out why he/she has come for treatment.

 Show the client where to sit or lie down (a massage table is great for this).

4.        Have the client relax soft music is nice for this and also incense or candles.

5. Perform the standard treatment.

6.        Allow client to remain still for a few minutes. If he is dizzy you can put your right hand on his forehead (3rd eye charka) and your left hand on his solar plexus.

7. Be sure to disconnect from the client.

8.        Make sure your client is fully present before they leave. Do not let weak or dizzy clients leave. Walking around will also help to ground them. If you have time you can also let them sleep for a while.


Side Affects:

Not everybody gets side affects but they can last up to 21 days and can be anything from feeling like you have the flu to depression. The attunement can make you want to sleep or it can make you hyper. No two attunements are the same even with the same master and person receiving the attunement.

You Can Use the Same hands positions as in Usui Reiki.