TIBETAN REIKI MANUAL HISTORY AS TAUGHT IN TIBETAN REIKI LINEAGE: Tschen Li, Ralph White, Craig Ellis Tibetan Reiki is perhaps a misleading; having some written proof that a healing technique existed in ancient Tibet, and that it was similar to the Reiki of today, has seemingly given license to call any healing method Tibetan or Reiki. There is a lot of information that is coming out of ancient traditions and philosophies, and from Tibet; there are volumes of writings that tell of systems of healing energy widely known and accepted for thousands of years. Little is actually provable as to the origins of many systems popular today, and discernment is called for when seeking the teaching contained in each. We personally cannot prove or disprove the following system as being Tibetan, as little contained is actually Tibetan in form or in substance. The symbols presented herein are not from the Tibetan Sanskrit language, but the spiritual information of each is similar to that found in many Eastern philosophies. But, non-the-less, it is a system of energy, complete with symbols that help to bring energies into harmony and balance, thereby making it possible to assist in the healing process that is so needed by the human condition. STORY OF THE TIBETAN REIKI LINEAGE This is the story of the Tibetan Reiki lineage, as presented by Craig Ellis, Tibetan Reiki Master. Ascended Masters, including El Morya and others taught what we refer to know as Tibetan Reiki to Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed. They also taught people in Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt, the Peruvian Andes, and Machu Picchu and to the Hunas in Polynesia. In the late 1800,Babaji, Mataji, and Master Rupon taught Tschen Li. Tschen Li taught dr. Usui, who started the Traditional Reiki lineage, it is unknown if Dr. Usui was taught the entire scope of Tibetan Reiki as presented in this package. TIBETAN REIKI SYMBOLS CHO KU REI |
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This symbol is known as the activation symbol or 2nd degree symbol. It has many uses; the most important one is to activate the power inherent in other symbols, and in one's self. There are several symbols whose function is dependent on the Cho Ku Rei. It is drawn with two lines and a counter-clockwise spiral with 31/2 loops. can be drawn clockwise or counterclockwise. Cho-Ku-Rei will increase the power of Reiki. It is used at the beginning of every session.Cho-Ku-Rei has several translations some are ;Direct Spiritor Let the power be here. Cho-Ku-Rei is sometimes called the light switch;. It can be used anytime while giving a healing. In the beginning of the healing session to increase the power flow.Use at the end of the healing session to seal the treatment. Cho-Ku-Rei can be used to clear a room of negative energy and to seal it in light making it a sacred place. Cho-Ku-Rei can also be used for protection use it to protect yourself, your car your children, your home anything that you feel needs to be protected. Cho-Ku-Rei provides protection on all levels including physical harm, verbal, and emotional confrontations, and also from psychic attack. The fact that the spiral is 31/2 is significant because 31/2 is a universal base number. For example, if you multiply 31/2 by two, you come up with seven. The universally significant numbers fourteen, and twenty-one are all multiples of31/2.The Cho Ku Rei symbol is a representation of a process by which energy is brought into body as a spiral. As stated earlier, one of the most important applications of Cho Ku Rei is to turn on 2nd degree energy. In Reiki, the first-degree energy warms up the muscles and tissues like a heating pad. This energy is very effective and efficient in most cases, especially for self-treatment. With the use of Cho Ku Rei symbol, the energy is more penetrating and works at a much higher level; its color is Golden White and shoots out of the palm chakras like laser beams. When turning on the second-degree energy, there are two steps: 1. empowerment 2.Directing the energy CHAKRA CHO KU REI SELF EMPOWERMEN |
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Bringing the energy into yourself require a little visualization, and the use of the alternate Cho Ku Rei. The following is a visualization to help you properly uses the symbol and it's energy. 1.Link into the energy by imaging a wave of energy above your head. See this wave drifting through space. Tap into this energy by drawing in your mind's eye, a horizontal line inside the wave above your head, saying silently Cho Next, anchor this energy into you by drawing a line down to your crown chakra, saying "Ku" silently. 2.Now balance, align and center all your subtle bodies and chakras by seeing the energy that is anchored in your bodies begin to swirl around your body in a counterclockwise swirling motion. Say silently When the spiral has gone all the way around the body, start another spiral crossing at your third eye, seeing is a little smaller than the first spiral. Say Cho silently. Continue with the spirals, crossing at each chakra until you have created seven, one for each chakra. Continue to silently repeat the names Cho Ku Reiwith each chakra. The spirals will align the subtle bodies governed by each chakra. When performed, this exercise brings a frequency of energy into the body that helps to ground and center the body/mind/spirit. Once the energy has stabilized and is flowing freely throughout the body, trace the symbol into the palms of the hands, intoning the sacred name three times. You can re-empower your hands as many times as you like, to increase the amount of energy that flows through you. The energy will stay activation in your body until you have completed the hands-on work. You can also re-empower your hands each time you change positions of the body, providing a sense of sacredness in each part of the client's body. The Cho Ku Rei can also be used in any way you can imagination, for any purpose that would be beneficial and good for you and all others concerned. Just write down what you want or need, visualize or write the symbol with your mind or hand to empower it. Use your imagination and experiment; the uses are limitless. And remember not to leave the symbols lying around where others may see them, respect and honor the system as sacred. Maintaining the visualization or ;holding the symbol in your mind during healing work enhances the healing effects of Cho Ku Rei. It can be seen to exist between your hands that are on a client's body, or you can beam the energy across the room to a client. If you notice a great need for energy in the body, you can activate both palms and the third eye area with Cho Ku Rei, and visualize three symbols going into a client's body where needed while intoning the sacred name three times. CHAKRA CHO KU REI It cleans, it energizes and it revitallizes the chakras and the entire body. It insures our earth connection. It is used before attunement and after treatment. It works with the spine energy (Kundalini) that is awakening and led into ascension. It works with all chakras, together with the Om symbol. Allows the sealing of the astral journey, so that can be safely done. |
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Means peace, serenity and spirit. It is also known as the Mental-Emotional symbol, the Dragon or Unicorn, and the Key to the Universe. It is said that this symbol works by activating the God within. It deserves the deepest respect as it allows direct accesses to the client's deep subconscious mind. If you can't focus intently on the client's needs, visualize an etheric wall between you and your client at your elbows to protect the client from your stray thoughts. MENTAL HEALING TECHNIQUE Sei-He-Ki is the symbol use for mental and emotional healing. It provides purification and cleansing. Sei-He-Ki means purification by the fire of wisdom. Sei-He-Ki Balances the right and left sides of the brain. It is very good for healing relationship problems and can be used with any mental and emotional distress such as nervousness, fear, depression, anger and sadness. Sei-He-Ki can be used to treat addictions, problems with weight loss and smoking. Sei-He-Ki can help improve memory. Before you use this technique treat the eyes and crown of the head. Then place your hands on the client's crown area with your fingers facing the feet. Trace Sei' He Ki symbol on the back of your right hand saying the sacred name of the symbol three times. You will feel the energy of the symbol sink in through your hand and into the client's energy field. Once it has merged with the client's field, empower the symbol with Cho Ku Rei. Within a minute or so, the patient's energy will respond to the Key energy. You may feel this as an intense heat in your hand or a sense of numbness from the elbow down in your right hand. Once the patient's energy field has been properly activated, state the affirmation in a soft, quiet voice. You should say the affirmation three times and the patient may repeat this after you. Give the patient a few moments to relax and then close the energy by spreading your fingers and place one hand on each side of the head for 1 minu |
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Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen is the symbol for absentia or distant healing? With it, a healing can be sent to anyone regardless of the distance Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen is the Distant Healing symbol. Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen means No past, no present, no future. Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen is Freedom from delusion, limitation and Karma. It can be used in every healing session for past and future aspects of the situation being healed. Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen is used to send Reiki to others at a distance. You can send healing and Attunements (Master Level) across the room or across the world. With Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen you can send to any place in the world or any time zone.; It is a good idea to use a picture when sending to a distance to help you center in on the person that you are sending to. This symbol is composed of five Kanji characters; a pictographic language that represents actions, sounds, colors or things. Kanji often convey a complete idea or concept. This expression meansThe person here is the perfect spiritual truth. In the East this would mean The Buddha in me meets the Buddha in you It is the activation of this script with Cho Ku Rei that allows an absentia healing through time and space to happen. The Hon Sha Za Sho Nen addresses the soul essence between the healer and healee and can be used when the client cannot ask for a healing (comatose, severely injured, unable to communicate). Do not force a healing on someone through your will, as this has the potential of incurring a karmic debt; intend that this symbol be used for the greatest good of all. DISTANT HEALING TECHNIQUE 1.See the person in front of you with the Kanji character written on them. 2.See the Cho Ku Rei written on top of the Distance Symbol. 3.Hold the energy until you feel it stop. 4.;Close the session by ;seeing the healee surrounded by white light and touch your fingers together to sever the energy connections. EN AN RA HU |
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Is revealing, shows/gives a different perspective on what is being seen/experienced. Has possibility of going to a high vibration to give help/assistance to its user. I felt like parts of something could/wanted to come together for whole/betterment. I felt coolness as I traveled with it (it took me to see a new perspective). Represent the gate to parallel universes and dimensions, compassion, love. CRYSTAL HEART strengthens the Light Body or Merkaba. This symbol is your own meditate on it and it will come to you. CRYSTAL CAVE |
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Used to create a bell or a bubble of protection around you or another. FUSION |
Ties things together. Bundles energies and stuff together for better delivery, can hold knowledge, energies. It represents the connection with the Spirit (the Divinity) the matter evolution to spirit. Represent spiritual ascension. Insures the connection heaven and earth.This symbol can to me even before I had my attunement. MEDULLA POINTS |
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Opens the Mouth of God so that communication with Spirit is strengthened. Flow energy enters at the back of the Third eye or mouth of god, spirals down the front of the body then spirals up the back and out the Third Eye chakra. It cleans the energetic channels of the third eye. FLOWER OF LIFE |
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Have a high vibration. FLOWER OF LIFE is Manifestation of power in accord with the natural elements and directions.;Natural, whole what it means to me Also are the foundational building blocks of all form. It cleans and it revitalizes all chakras. It is applied once (or twice as maximum) on each chakra. It releases a certain effect, which can be watched by the therapist (in order to model its action). Can be applied once every 1 or 2 days for severe cases. DNA ACTIVATION |
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Kundalini raises, sets things straight. Have a high vibration. Is moving, active, warm, and alive. It activates changes and replaces DNA. It is used in genetic diseases together with Tree of Life. Can be use in all treatment with Chakra Cho Ku Rei and Flower of Life symbols. TREE OF LIFE |
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High vibration. Tree of Life is Opening, growing, and deepening/integrating. Send energy of Earth to Creator or sends our prayers up to Creator similar to clockwise Cho Ku Rei in this respect. Fortifies the rainbow bridge to High Self thus helps us to receive higher guidance. It cleans the central channel Sushumna and the two nadi (Ida and Pingala). It balances the two sides (left / right) of the organism, and the masculine / feminine energies. Tree of Life Leads to tissue self regeneration. SHIVA'S DRUM |
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Stillness of the heart. Brings balance, calms chaotic energy in any chakra. Represent spirituality. Used for inner centering. Focuses the energy in a certain point. It makes the balance micro - macro cosmos. EYE OF HORUS |
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Use to ask why, how and to receive those answers. Eye of Horus means to give knowledge or to receive guidance of your part in the divine plan. It increases the intuition. It sees the root of things. Can be used for distant scanning together with Eeftchay from Seichim 7 Facet for an increasing effect. It represents the sign of wisdom and power of the pharaohs from the ancient Egypt. EL OM |
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Have a high vibration. Travel symbol, takes me away from consciousness of my body very easily.El OMi s Releasing and gaining what is needed. Takes you to the place of remembering, whenand that you are a Light Being. Give protection and it seals the energies (therefore is recommended to be used when closing an attunement or a treatment). STAR OF DAVID |
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Balancing of over-active energies. Helps the body to remember the Blueprint of Perfection and remain in this state. Also strengthens the Merkabah or Light Body. Represent he equilibrium God and man. It is used for protection, knowledge of mysteries, revealing information. INFINITY SYMBO |
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Balancing, went into chakra, balanced it, spinned around, radiating. Brings balance of male/female energies. Helps one to remember cyclic nature of things. Try using it likes a helicopter with energy moving around infinity and spinning counter clockwise too. It represents endless energy. It has no secondary effects or impediment .It may be used alone or in combination with other symbols. VIOLET FIRE |
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Focused! Invokes the Violet Flame of transmutation to burn away misqualified energies. Call upon Saint Germaine to help with this. It combines very well with the Violet Flame from Seichem, with the energy of Saint Germaine or with the Angels of the Violet Flame. It invokes benefic spiritual entities. It works with Angelic Energies. TREE OF LIFE MEDITATION This meditation will be practice before each attunement in Tibetan Reiki. Begin by taking some full, deep breathes. Don't try to force anything, just relax and breathe deep. As you breathe, imagine yourself standing in a grove of tall, strong trees. See yourself as one of those tall, strong trees. Breathe deep and feel the ground beneath you and the sun shining down upon you. Feel your connection to the Earth and become aware that you now have roots where your feet were. Breathe deep and on exhale, slowly begin to send those roots deep into the ground.  Down, down through the grass and the topsoil, down through soil, rock, and the roots of other plants and trees, down through water tables bones, and the many layers of Earth.  Continue to send those roots down, down in search of the Source at the center of the Earth. Begin to feel the energy pulsating as you draw near and feel the heartbeat of the Earth. When you reach that source of energy deep within the Earth let it take a form in your minds eye. It may be a huge crystal cluster, or the hot molten core of the Earth. With your roots, tap into that source of energy, breathe deep and feel the energy slowly begin to rise, traveling up your root. Up, up through the layers of Earth and soil and rock. Through roots, seedlings, and water tables.  Feel the energy raise up through your roots, through your feet, your calves you thighs Let that Mother Earth energy rises through your trunk, your torso, and up, up through your chest and arms and neck. Let it reach your head and just fill you. Stay with this feeling for a moment and just breathe. Now, imagine you have branches that are tall and wide and reach up to the sky. Feel the air rushing around your branches and the warmth of the sun as it caresses your leaves. Take a deep breath and with it, take in the energy of the sky and the sun. Let it tickle each leaf before being drawn into your branches. On another in breath, take that sky energy deep into your tree and feel it flow down through your head, your shoulders, your arms and chest. Breathe it into your torso, hips and legs. Feel it mixing and mingling with the energies of the Earth. Stay with this feeling for a while and just breathe. USUI MASTER MANTRA Can be use before each treatment, distant healing and attunement to strength the Reiki flow. It's a very powerful technique and I recommend you to use whenever you can. It's represent by the words USUI SOMA HUNG (sounds like oosooee samham hum. ARCHANGEL MICHAEL'S SWORD TECHNIQUE This technique reaches deeply into our bodies hidden levels to uncover and release unassociated memories, in a gentle non-threatening way so they can be released very easily. This technique is one of the most effective methods of finding these memories and releasing them. The Michael's Sword Technique is used for healing emotional issues. It utilizes and aligns the Reiki energy to help release, transmute, and uncover hidden memories related to certain conditions. This process is always successful, no matter when or where the issue started, even if it is at a subconscious level. SAINT MICHAEL'S SWORD TECHNIQUE This is a method for cutting cords, using Reiki. My understanding is that cords are an energy imbalance between 2 entities. They may have karmic ramifications. They are a soul error. This technique may be used to work with a person dealing with one or more issues. Place hands on the person's face to bring about relaxation. ;Place hands on person's head. Ask if she or he is willing to work on the issue or event that is troubling her or him. Cradle the person's head: right hand over the crown, left hand under head, heals of the palms touching. Begin mentally intoning symbols while using Reiki. Encourage deep breathing throughout the exercise. a) Ask the person to give a title to the work (e.g. my relationship with so and so, "my addiction to beef.") b) Ask the person to visualize lifting her/his mental body above the physical body. Next the person should see the titled issue as a balloon, with a string attached to her/his mental body. More than one balloon (issue) may be attached to the mental body. c) Ask the person to visualize her/his spiritual body standing beside the mental body. The spiritual body calls on the Sword of St. Michael, which is generally perceived as blue. d) The person's spiritual body then passes the Sword over the mental body, beginning at the feet, front to back, to severe the cords. As each cord is cut, a purple flame consumes the cords and the balloon(s) and burns the attachment to the mental body. e) Once the person feels the process is complete, ask her/him to check for any additional cords. If there are any, the spiritual body should pass St. Michael's Sword over the mental body once more. (Repeat as often as necessary). f) The spiritual body then hands the Sword back to St. Michael and merges once more with the mental body then reunites with the physical body. g) Give the person time to breathe in the feeling of being free of the attachment and to integrate this feeling. (This may happen before the spiritual and mental bodies merge with the physical body.) Place your hands on the head of the person to balance and close the etheric energy pattern. Continue with the Reiki session. Allow time for the client to talk about her/his experience. SOLAR ANGELS Solar Angels like Devas are very magnificent beings. Their expertise is energy. They are capable of working with and manipulating almost any form of subtle energy on many different levels of reality. They aren';t bound by time or space and are capable of working energetically in any time if necessary to accomplish a task. It is said that Solar Angels are endowed with great knowledge and are the force behind our own consciousnes ability to exist. They are reputed to be the creators of our own ego structures. At higher levels a lot of communication goes on between our personal Solar Angels. It is because of this communication that we are able to work in groups an not get lost within the group energy. Originally, I started working with Solar Angels when performing distant attunements. What I discovered was that they can do just about anything that involves energy including taking over healings, amplifying energy, attunement to additional energies, etc. With the Solar Angel's input a process that would normally take forty minutes might only take twenty. Solar Angels can also take a process usually done in a short time and spread it out over a longer period to lessen the shock and burden of the process. TIBETAN REIKI ATTUNEMENT BEFORE ATTUNEMENT: 1.Ask for help Dalai Lama, Djwaul Khul. 2.Ask for help of your Solar Angels. 3.Ask for help the student';s Solar Angels. 4.Specify what attunement will be done right now (practitioner level, master level, distant attunement for groups, self attunement) 5.Draw the Tibetan Reiki Symbols (starting with DAI KO MIO, CHO KU REI, SEI HE KI, HON SHA ZA SHO NEN, CHAKRA CHO KU REI, EN AN RA HU, FUSION, FLOWER OFLIFE, DNA ACTIVATION, TREE OF LIFE, EYE OF HORUS, EL OM, STAR OF DAVID, INFINITY SIGN, VIOLET FIRE, CRYSTAL CAVE, CRYSTAL HEART, MEDULLA POINTS, SHIVA'S DRUM) on your Palms, Crown and Heart Chakras, saying the name of each symbol three times. 6.Cleanse the room by drawing all Tibetan Reiki Symbols (starting with DAI KO MIO, CHO KU REI, SEI HE KI, HON SHA ZA SHO NEN, CHAKRA CHO KU REI, EN AN RA HU, FUSION, FLOWER OFLIFE, DNA ACTIVATION, TREE OF LIFE, EYE OF HORUS, EL OM, STAR OF DAVID, INFINITY SIGN, VIOLET FIRE, CRYSTAL CAVE, CRYSTAL HEART, MEDULLA POINTS, SHIVA';S DRUM) in the air in front of you saying the name of each symbol three times. BEHIND OF THE STUDENT: 1.Place both hands on top of the head to get an energetic rapport with the student. 2.Above the head, draw the Tibetan Reiki Symbols (starting with DAI KO MIO, CHO KU REI, SEI HE KI, HON SHA ZA SHO NEN, CHAKRA CHO KU REI, EN AN RA HU, FUSION, FLOWER OFLIFE, DNA ACTIVATION, TREE OF LIFE, EYE OF HORUS, EL OM, STAR OF DAVID, INFINITY SIGN, VIOLET FIRE, CRYSTAL CAVE, CRYSTAL HEART, MEDULLA POINTS, SHIVA'S DRUM) and repeat name of each symbol three times. 3.Visualize the symbols moving into the into the Crown Chakra, through the head and into the base of the brain, guiding it with your right hand. 4.Signal the student to raise their hands held in prayer position to the top of their head. Draw the Tibetan Reiki Symbols (starting with DAI KO MIO, CHO KU REI, SEI HE KI, HON SHA ZA SHO NEN, CHAKRA CHO KU REI, EN AN RA HU, FUSION, FLOWER OFLIFE, DNA ACTIVATION, TREE OF LIFE, EYE OF HORUS, EL OM, STAR OF DAVID, INFINITY SIGN, VIOLET FIRE, CRYSTAL CAVE, CRYSTAL HEART, MEDULLA POINTS, SHIVA'S DRUM in the air over the hands. Then picture the symbols moving into the hands, down into the Crown Chakra, through the head, and into in the base of the brain saying the name of each symbol three times and guiding the Symbol with your hand. FRONT OF THE STUDENT: 1.Draw the Tibetan Reiki Symbols (starting with DAI KO MIO, CHO KU REI, SEI HE KI, HON SHA ZA SHO NEN, CHAKRA CHO KU REI, EN AN RA HU, FUSION, FLOWER OFLIFE, DNA ACTIVATION, TREE OF LIFE, EYE OF HORUS, EL OM, STAR OF DAVID, INFINITY SIGN, VIOLET FIRE, CRYSTAL CAVE, CRYSTAL HEART, MEDULLA POINTS, SHIVA'S DRUM) in the air in front of the middle of forehead. Then picture the symbols moving into the brow chakra saying the name of each symbols three times 2.Draw the Tibetan Reiki Symbols (starting with DAI KO MIO, CHO KU REI, SEI HE KI, HON SHA ZA SHO NEN, CHAKRA CHO KU REI, EN AN RA HU, FUSION, FLOWER OFLIFE, DNA ACTIVATION, TREE OF LIFE, EYE OF HORUS, EL OM, STAR OF DAVID, INFINITY SIGN, VIOLET FIRE, CRYSTAL CAVE, CRYSTAL HEART, MEDULLA POINTS, SHIVA'S DRUM) in front of the heart chakra. Then picture the symbols moving into the heart chakra saying the name of each symbol three times. 3.Open the student's hands like the cover of a book and with your right hand draw out the Tibetan Reiki Symbols (starting with DAI KO MIO, CHO KU REI, SEI HE KI, HON SHA ZA SHO NEN, CHAKRA CHO KU REI, EN AN RA HU, FUSION, FLOWER OFLIFE, DNA ACTIVATION, TREE OF LIFE, EYE OF HORUS, EL OM, STAR OF DAVID, INFINITY SIGN, VIOLET FIRE, CRYSTAL CAVE, CRYSTAL HEART, MEDULLA POINTS, SHIVA'S DRUM) on the hands on the Palm, saying the name of each symbol three times. Then lightly slap the hands three times for each symbol. 4.Bring the student's hands together in prayer position, and move them back in front of the student's Heart. Blow over the hands, down to the Solar Plexus, then up to the Third Eye and Crown, and back over the hands. BEHIND OF THE STUDENT: 1.Place your hands on the student's head. Use a positive affirmation and repeat it to yourself three times, intend it to be accepted by the student. (Some examples might be: "You are a competent Tibetan Reiki Master Teacher", or "You are clear and perfect channel of unconditional Love, Light and Healing 2.Open your hands and look down through the Crown Chakra, visualizing through to the root chakra. Intend that the beautiful great shining light of the Reiki Source send a ball of light into the heart and fill all the chakras. 3.;Move your hands to the student's neck, and then place the right hand on the forehead and the left at the base of the skull. Visualize a door and then draw the power symbol on it and see the door being closed. Say to yourself, "I seal this Attunement with Divine Love and Wisdom" and, "You are forever connected to the Reiki source." 4.;Place your hands on the student's shoulders briefly experiencing the moment with them. Say, "We have both been blessed by this attunement". FRONT OF THE STUDENT: 1.Slightly flex your knees, exhale with force, pushing the exhaled Breath toward the student with your hands, mind, and intent. This release the Energy stored during the process and sends it to the student as a final Blessing. 2.Now you may tell your student to take a deep breath and open their eyes when they are ready. SOLAR ANGELS ATTUNEMENT METHOD 1.;Ask for help Dalai Lama, Djwaul Khul. 2.Ask for help of your Solar Angels. 3.Ask for help the student's Solar Angels. 4.Specify what attunement will be done right now (Practitioner Level, Master Level) 5.Cleanse the room by drawing all Tibetan Reiki Symbols (starting with DAI KO MIO, CHO KU REI, SEI HE KI, HON SHA ZA SHO NEN, CHAKRA CHO KU REI, EN AN RA HU, FUSION, FLOWER OFLIFE, DNA ACTIVATION, TREE OF LIFE, EYE OF HORUS, EL OM, STAR OF DAVID, INFINITY SIGN, VIOLET FIRE, CRYSTAL CAVE, CRYSTAL HEART, MEDULLA POINTS, SHIVA'S DRUM) in the air in front of you saying the name of each symbol three time. 6.;Ask your Solar Angels to perform the attunement for the student. 7.Relax, let the energy flowing and enjoy about this wonderful moment. 8.;When you feel you are ready ask the student to open their eyes and share the experiences. Also you can use this attunement for GROUPS DISTANT ATTUNEMENT (in this case you will contact all Solar Angels of the student's). SELF - ATTUNEMENT To attune yourself, one method is to sit in a chair, draw HSZSN around you, get up and walk behind your astral body (which is still in the chair) and do the attunement as normal, then when all done, sit down in the chair and enjoy! Also you can use a pillow to represent yourself when doing a self-attunement. I use a stuffed bear. |
Cho Ku Rei |
Chakra Cho Ku Rei Self |
Sei He Ki |
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Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen |
En An Ra Hu |
Crystal Heart |
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Your Own Symbol |
Medulla Points |
Crystal Cave |
Fusion |
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DNA Activation |
Tree of Life |
Flower Of Life |
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Shiva's Drum |
Eye of Horus |
El Om |
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Violet Fire |
Infinity Symbol |
Star of David |
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